round-trip mileage for Orientation, and round-trip mileage to and from the summer session,
pre-testing to establish baseline data and post-testing to show improvement,
room and board for 6 weeks on the Northwest Missouri State University campus,
all supplies and materials needed for classes (including 3-ring binder, paper, spirals, pens, pencils, protractor, graphing calculator), and a T-shirt,
instruction in, and access to, the computer system and network at Northwest,
intensive classroom and laboratory instruction in math and science topics not usually offered at every high school,
extensive counseling (both individual and group) regarding study skills, social and interpersonal skills, and career awareness,
tutoring for the classes taken, if needed,
instruction in the English skills needed to learn how to write a science research paper,
educational and entertaining weekend trips related to math and science,
a stipend each week of the summer program for active participation,
a stipend each semester of the academic year for satisfactory completion of the mentor meetings and the academic project,
regular newsletter which includes topics of interest from the world of math and science,
possibility of returning for subsequent year,
possibility of acceptance into the Bridge program, and
yearly follow-up while in high school and through college.
Upward Bound Math & Science | 362 Admin Building | 660.562.1538 |